Saturday, May 18, 2013

JEDA (Dee)

Seindah apapun huruf terukir, dapatkah ia bermakna apabila tak ada jeda ?
Dapatkah ia dimengerti jika tak ada spasi? 
Bukankah kita baru bisa bergerak jika ada jarak? 
Dan saling menyayang bila ada ruang?
Kasih sayang akan membawa dua orang semakin berdekatan, tapi ia tak ingin mencekik, jadi ulurlah tali itu. 

Napas akan melega dengan sepasang paru-paru yang tak dibagi. 
Darah mengalir deras dengan jantung yang tidak dipakai dua kali.
Jiwa tidaklah dibelah, tapi bersua dengan jiwa lain yang searah. 

Jadi jangan lumpuhkan aku dengan mengatasnamakan kasih sayang
Mari berkelana dengan rapat tapi tak dibebat. 
Janganlah saling membendung apabila tak ingin tersandung. 
Pegang tanganku, tapi jangan terlalu erat,
karena aku ingin seiring bukan digiring...

Anything as beautiful as the engraved letters, could it mean if there is no pause?
Can he understand if there is no space?
We just could not move if there is distance?
And to love each other when there is space?
Affection will bring two people getting close, but he did not want to strangle, so stretch out the rope.
Breath will become relieved with a pair of lungs that is not shared.
Blood flowing to the heart that is not used twice.
The soul is not cleaved, but met with another soul that direction.
So do I disable it in the name of love.
Come ventured tightly closed but not bandaged.
Do do not want each other stem when tripped.
Take my hand, but not too tightly,
because I want in line not herded ...

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