Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the story

Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival that runs annually for three days, Friday to Sunday of March first week, has been a huge gathering of musicians from many parts of the world. More than 1,000 musicians of over 100 groups participated at the extensively publicized event in 2006 and 2005, drawing more than 50,000 local and overseas visitors.

Not only jazz artists
While jazz is the festival's main theme, artists performing on the 15 stages across the venue present various music styles to cater to the different taste of the large audience, creating an overall "jazzy" ambience. Jazz is the unifying factor to the cross-genre acts presented, including R&B, pop, rock, latin, hip hop, rap, reggae, ethnic, gospel, electro, etc.

Famous and famous-to-be :
Aside from having world icons and established names, the festival is a showcase of capable, high potential musicians from different countries and diverse cultures who are not yet well known globally. Emerging artists can take advantage of this festival to demonstrate their talents, gain experience and recognition, develop network and business relationship. We have worked with foreign embassies and cultural institutions to facilitate this idea.

We also look for international artists who are keen in collaborating with their fellow musicians from Indonesia or other countries to forward cross-cultural understanding and cooperation in line with the festival's objective. Enriching modern tunes with ethnic touch and vice versa will continue to be a highlight of the festival.

Special programs
Aside from the main 3-day program, we hold pre-event concerts 1 - 2 weeks prior to the festival at many places across the city (universities, malls, clubs, cafes), mostly for free. Post-event tours are also possible. During the festival, we also have Gala (on the festival's eve), Gospel (Sunday morning), and Children Gig (a new program planned for 2007, tentatively on Saturday morning), and Music Clinic where artists demonstrate their skills and share knowledge and experience with visitors.

We select artists and bands/ensembles based on various factors. We'd like to be able to present a program that is consistently entertaining, inspiring, educating, and at the same time meeting the festival key objective of fostering cross-cultural understanding and cooperation. We look at artist individual strength and uniqueness, but more importantly on how the artist can contribute/fit into the overall program and create a strong impact to the audience. Cost is another consideration and this relates to availability of sponsor (embassy/cultural center), flight expenses, fees, etc.

How to apply
To participate at the festival, please email and send us the followings :
- description of why you are interested in the festival, how you would fit, expected fee, etc.
- bio/discography
- digital photo (s)
- media coverage, if any
- website address
- demo CD or DVD (mail to : PT. Java Festival Production, Simprug Galery A1, Jalan Teuku Nyak Arief 10, Jakarta, Indonesia)

We will keep your submission until the time for the selection process (September/October) and will contact you. Please bear with us though if sometimes, due to resources limitation, we can only get back to you when we see a possibility for your participation.

Wishing for certain artists? Contact us.
Come and get jazzy
Be a part of the festival family
and share your favourite festival moment with us
Simprug Gallery A1
Jalan Teuku Nyak Arief 10
Jakarta 12220, Indonesia

Phone: +62 21 72783601-02
Fax: +62 21 7204030
Brought to you by :



International Artists

Artists Final Confirmation


     Indonesian Artists

       Artists Final Confirmation



Tatkala matahari sudah tenggelam di ufuk sana
Berganti hadirnya gelap dan cahaya lampu mulai menyala
Manusia bergegas memacu kendaraan ingin segera kembali ke rumah
Berkumpul dengan keluarga hilangkan penat yang mendera

Sehari telah cepat berlalu tanpa terasa
Apa yang telah kulakukan?
Apa nilai yang telah kuberikan?
Termenung di sisi jalan keramaian
Apakah hidup sekadar menanggung beban dan sakit kepala?
Apakah hidup sekadar merasakan bahagia?
Apakah hidup sekadar untuk kerja kerja dan kerja?
Apakah hidup sekadar untuk makan saja?
Keesokannya melakukan rutinitas yang sama?

Sekarang waktunya untuk sekadar menikmati senja saja
Tanpa hendak berpikir apa-apa
Pejamkan mata

Saturday, February 18, 2012

...a p a....


dalam rinai gerimis
kulihat kubangan air
coklat kotor bercampur tanah liat
susul menyusul membawa serta
pergi ke sana lautan lepas.........

dalam siang
panas membara angin tersedak
sunyi hening bara membumbung
riuh rendah tertelan zaman............

dalam malam
dingin menelisik,jiwa terkejap,..
sunyi sepi meredam kalbu
hitam cahaya samar terlihat
bayang kamu akan aku...........

dalam hati
rindu akar menggerogot
habis sudah lahan kosong
habis badan jiwa terkurung.........

Don't be afraid of the dark


Jenis Film : HORROR
Produksi : -
Sutradara : TROY NIXEY
Homepage :
Synopsis : Blackwood Manor memiliki penyewa baru. Saat arsitek Alex Hurst (Guy Pearce) dan kekasih barunya Kim (Katie Holmes) membenahi rumah mereka yang bernuansa Gothic. putri Alex, Sally (Bailee Madison), dapat mendengar suara2 bisikan yang  memanggilnya dari ruang bawah tanah. Ingin memenuhi rasa ingin tahunya, Sally membuka gerbang yang membawanya ke neraka Dihadapkan pada kengerian yang mengancam dan menghancurkan hidupnya dan keluarganya, Sally mencoba untuk memperingatkan seluruh penghuni rumah, namun ada satu masalah: tidak ada yang percaya padanya. Apakah Sally dapat membuat mereka percaya, atau mereka akan menjadi bagian kisah horor Blackwood Manor?


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